Welcome to the PerGeos Use Case Gallery

Below you will find a collection of use cases using PerGeos Software. Based on the technology of its predecessor Avizo Software, PerGeos is a robust software platform for visualizing, processing, and analyzing 2D and 3D digital rock image data.

These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how PerGeos is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

Tectonic evolution of the Karakoram metamorphic complex (NW Himalayas) reflected in the 3D structures of spiral garnets: Insights from X-ray computed micro-tomography

Tectonic evolution of the Karakoram metamorphic complex (NW Himalayas) reflected in the 3D structures of spiral garnets: Insights from X-ray computed micro-tomography

  • Virtual petrography, 3D textures and quantitative analysis of spiral garnets.
  • Micro-fold axis determination in spiral garnets using X-ray computed tomography.
  • 3D spiral patterns unlock the tectonic history of the Karakoram Himalaya.

Spiral garnet porphyroblasts are known to record lengthy periods of deformation and metamorphism by preserving single or multiple FIAs (Foliation Intersection Axis) formed normal to tectonic shortening directions. Thanks to te... Read more

M.Sayab, D.Aerden, J.Kuva, W.U.Hassan

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Uncertainty span for relative permeability and capillary pressure by varying wettability and spatial flow directions utilizing pore scale modelling

Uncertainty span for relative permeability and capillary pressure by varying wettability and spatial flow directions utilizing pore scale modelling

Relative permeability and capillary pressure are key properties within special core analysis and provide crucial information for full field simulation models. These properties are traditionally obtained by multi-phase flow experiments, however pore scale modelling has during the last decade shown to add significant information as well as being less time-consuming to obtain. Pore scale modelling has been performed by using the lattice-Boltzmann method directly on the digital rock models obtain... Read more

ThomasRamstad, Anders Kristoffersen, and EinarEbeltoft

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Pore characterization of 3D-printed gypsum rocks: a comprehensive approach

Pore characterization of 3D-printed gypsum rocks: a comprehensive approach

With advancements in additive manufacturing, now 3D-printed core plugs can be duplicated in order to replace natural rock samples. This can help us to control their parameters to be used in different types of experiments for model verifications.

However, prior to such substitutions, we should ensure they can represent natural rock samples through characterizing their physical properties. In this paper, synthetic samples made up of gypsum powder are 3D-printed and then characterized for... Read more

Lingyun Kong, Mehdi Ostadhassan, Chunxiao Li, Naser Tamimi

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Analyzing Full Micro-CT Image of a Berea Sandstone Mini Plug and the Associated Challenges

Analyzing Full Micro-CT Image of a Berea Sandstone Mini Plug and the Associated Challenges

X-ray micro-CT imaging is becoming an integral part of rock characterization processes. Large data size, user bias, and accuracy of the results are some of the challenges associated with analyzing micro-CT images of rock samples.

In this article, the PerGeos Digital Rock Analysis software is demonstrated to analyze the full micro-CT dataset of a Berea sandstone mini plug. The analysis is done in blocks using a PerGeos recipe (i.e. a macro) and a block-processing script. The results are... Read more

Arash Aghaei - Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Handling Large data in PerGeos

Handling Large data in PerGeos

We introduce here some techniques to visualize and process large data, mostly targeting the high resolution data acquired by Heliscan microCT.

The data is considered as “large” in the sense that its size exceeds the size of the GPU memory and/or the size of the RAM of the machine.

The following workflow:

  • Segmentation
  • Porosity / Connected porosity determination
  • Pore separation / Pore Size distribution
  • Grain size distribution
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Gwenole Tallec - Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Pore-backs segmentation in PerGeos

Pore-backs segmentation in PerGeos

Imagery produced from FIBSEMs (Dualbeams) provides users with unique data in terms of resolution and sample size that are not available with other techniques. Despite the power of this analytical approach, some limitations in quantifying the textural data restrict the accuracy of data obtained from FIBSEM images.

These limitations are derived from artifacts that occur during the acquisition of the data. Collecting data using a FIBSEM is a destructive, serial sectioning technique. A thi... Read more

Gwenole Tallec - Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Segmentation tools and workflows in PerGeos

Segmentation tools and workflows in PerGeos

Imagery produced from FIBSEMs (Dualbeams) provides users with unique data in terms of resolution and sample size that are not available with other techniques. Despite the power of this analytical approach, some limitations in quantifying the textural data restrict the accuracy of data obtained from FIBSEM images.

Segmentation typically consists of a complex workflow involving multiple algorithms at multiple steps. Smart denoising and morphological filters are often included in the segm... Read more

Gwenole Tallec - Thermo Fisher Scientific

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